Our Story. Your Podcast.
Cups of tea & bibles open, we want to encourage, equip & model what it can look like to open up the Bible in everyday life with friends, whatever stage of life you find yourself at.
Since coming to faith in our twenties, both of us have been hugely impacted by reading the Bible with others - both in bible study groups, and one-to-one. It’s been one of the glorious highlights of church life to continually see God at work as the Bible is opened, in the company of others.
The Covid-19 Pandemic provided an opportunity for us to read & enjoy the Bible with one another, in ways we hadn’t appreciated before, particularly as we live in different countries. But, in the throws of lockdown life, it also had us hungering for Christian podcast content that was more than just topical or thematic, but quite simply nourished us, in bite-sized content, through the opening of God’s Word.
Fast forward to January 2021: Pressing record on our conversations seemed to be the natural overflow, as we prayed through whether our conversations could serve others, as we saw a way we could serve a podcast need, and as we acknowledged our time together was already an overflow of what we were doing in our local churches.
And so, two sisters & a cup of tea was born.
That’s our story. But it’s your podcast.
In pressing record, our heart is unashamedly about you, our listeners. Our prayer for every episode, as we chat through the Bible & drive it to our own hearts, is that we can encourage, equip & model what it can look like to get the living word of God open, for twenty minutes or so, over a cup of tea (or some duplo, or a zoom coffee, or an early morning walk, or on your lunchbreak - you get the idea…).
It’s a podcast for you. We pray it’s just one of many stepping stones to the Lord being at work in your heart and life. And we pray that as the powerful, living and active Word of God is opened, wherever you’re listening from, you’ll find encouragement to keep walking with Christ day by day.
Meet Your Hosts
Felicity & Sarah are sisters who grew up in the south of England, came to faith in the North, and now live on different continents.
Felicity lives in Chicagoland, Illinois with her husband and two children. She loves people, sport & a good novel, alongside teaching the Bible to women in her local church. Her biscuit of choice is a Chocolate Hobnob.
Habakkuk: From Frustration to Faith | Northern Women’s Convention November 2022
Sarah lives in West London with her husband and three children. She loves being creative, hanging out with people and reading stories to her children, alongside the joys of local church ministry in all its variety. Her biscuit of choice is a Jammy Dodger (with cream). -
Bumps, Babies & the Gospel (10 Publishing, 2020)
And the rest of the team…
Each season works sequentially through a different book of the Bible - so in one sense it doesn’t matter which season you start with, but make sure you start with episode 1 of that season!
At it’s heart, you can expect around 20 minutes of Bible-centred chat over a cup of tea. But within that time, we’re seeking for each episode to be:
Manageable: Bite size content, easily slotting into everyday life
Intentional: Considered, thoughtful chat centered on how we get the Bible open
Expositional: Exposing what’s in the text as we go through Bible books
Conversational: Informal style, mirroring everyday conversations with friends
Invitational: Seeing the value of opening up the Bible with others
Applicable: Always driving Bible study to our hearts, fuelling our worship of Christ
We’re so glad you’ve found us and we really hope that listening to our conversations will help you to dig deeper into the riches of the Bible for yourself and get to know Christ better. As we say a lot on the podcast, we can’t recommend enough the value of meeting up to read the Bible with someone in person. As a new Christian, we’d wholeheartedly recommend that as your first port of call- so why not see if there’s someone in your local church who would be willing to read the Bible together. There are questions in our show notes that will help you as you get started.
In terms of which season to start with, 1 Thessalonians is a letter written to new Christians so that’s a great place to start. Or our season in John 1-5 is a helpful place to go for time dwelling on the person of Christ.
You can listen to the podcast on all major podcast streaming services, or alternatively you can listen directly through our website.
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