Season 10: John 6-12 •
Season 10: John 6-12 •
We often hear the phrase that Jesus is the fulfilment to all of God’s promises. But what does this actually look like in practice? Come and journey with us through this next chunk of John’s Gospel, as Jesus himself fleshes out what this means, in both stunning word and deed.
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Episode by Episode
“Whoever comes to me I will never drive away.”
— Jesus
Resources for You
Reading John with an Unbeliever
A really helpful resource equipping you to open up John’s gospel with unbelievers.
The Bible Project: John 1-12
A helpful overview of the first half of John’s Gospel.
Behold and Believe
An in-depth Bible study on the ‘I Am’ statements of Jesus in John’s Gospel.
“I am the good shepherd. I know my sheep and my sheep know me…”
— Jesus
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