Would you like one of us to speak at your next event?
Thank you so much for considering us - we love to go out, teach God’s word, and interact with people! However, we both have a limited amount of energy, a limited number of weekends and various commitments to juggle. We’re always seeking to steward our time and energy well, which means that while we love to say ‘yes’ - sometimes we have to say ‘no’.
In terms of the messages that we choose to give, we love to expound from scripture passages and seek to present, and apply those truths as best we can. We would prefer to be given a choice on what we speak on, but if you have a specific request, we would prefer a passage, or book, rather than a theme.
Sarah is in the UK, and Felicity is in the USA.
For speaking requests in the UK
Please click the button below to find a list of questions to help Sarah’s consideration.
For speaking requests in the USA
Please click the button below to find a list of questions to help Felicity’s consideration.