Value #4: Conversational
Back in 2021, we pressed record on our conversations and it was prompted by being unable to see one another in person. As we chat over our cups of tea, with our Bibles open, we love that these conversations are fuelling our relationship with one another but also with the Lord. It is Bible study done together.
As we talk with one another, rather than monologuing, we want to invite you to be in conversation with others around God’s word. We’re thankful for our close sisterhood, but it’s not limited to those who were born into the same family.
We will always be a conversational Bible study podcast because we believe that to-ing and fro-ing over an open Bible is the sweetest of things. As we explore the text together, we are sharing understanding and questions and driving it to the heart. We are speaking the truth in love to one another (Eph 4) and God is using the conversation to transform us more and more into the likeness of Jesus.
We are, unashamedly, a conversational podcast and we want to encourage our listeners to engage in this same heart-thrilling, life-changing Bible study practice.