Value #5: Invitational
Whenever our kids bring an invitation home from school - whether to a friend’s party, or to join a school team, or to participate in a particular event, it’s always accompanied by excitement. Invitations are bringers of joy.
And it was no different back in Jesus’ day. Jesus was always inviting people in. Throughout the historical accounts of his life, we’re given a picture of him extending a warm and exuberant invitation to anyone who will come. And for those who choose to accept, unrivalled joy follows.
And quite simply, in committing our podcast to be invitational, we want to reflect something of Jesus in what we’re doing.
We’re inviting you into our conversations because we want to share the treasure of studying the Bible with you. We’re inviting you in, so that we can all gaze at the glory of Christ together. But most of all, we’re inviting you into our conversations so that, as you finish listening to an episode or two, you’ll go away with a hunger to extend the invitation to someone else.
We want you to finish listening to an episode, prayerfully considering who you could open the Bible with, sharing the treasure of God’s word with those in your everyday life. Whether you listen to our voices whilst washing up, on the dog walk, or on your commute to work, we are always seeking to invite you to take it out into your everyday life.
We pray that as you journey along with us, studying the Bible over our cups of tea, that you’ll see the value of opening up the Bible with others and be inspired to give it a go!