Value #6: Applicable
Some would say last but not least. But we would say, that without this final value, everything else falls flat.
For what is Bible study if it does not engage the heart?
With every conversation that we share, we want it to be applicable. By this we mean, how does what we are studying in the Bible concretely apply to our everyday lives? How does this living and active Word reorientate our hearts away from ourselves and onto Christ? How does studying the Bible together fuel our worship of Christ? In what ways will we go away from our conversation changed, and all the more zealous to love God and love our neighbour?
These are some of the things we are considering as we continually seek to drive Bible study to our hearts. This is a bible study podcast for every day life - not just because it’s manageable, intentional, expositional, conversational and invitational. It’s a bible study podcast for everyday life because we are prayerfully seeking for what we study to truly impact our everyday lives.
And by God’s grace, that’s exactly what has been happening for the last three years. We stand committed to our Vision and Values three years on, and pray that our conversations continue to be helpful to all who tune in. But most of all, we sit here, three years in, knowing that the Lord has done a deep work in our hearts as we’ve studied the Bible together - whether through narrative, song, gospel or prophecy, we can testify that the Bible is alive and kicking and remains wholly applicable to every inch of our lives!