Ordinary Faithfulness

The world cares about plaques and popularity, real estate and revenue, glamour and glitz.  God cares about faithfulness, the steadfast commitment to honour the Lord in a thousand simple ways.

-Aaron Menikoff

What does it look like to be faithful today? Perhaps it’s simply fighting the urge to do something of ‘worldly worth’, and instead looking to what Scripture tells me is wholly worth pursuing:

Psalm 1 tells me that faithfulness is making time to meditate on Scripture, in the midst of the busyness that charts my days.

1 Timothy 5 tells me that faithfulness is pursuing hard work, to provide for my family’s needs.

James tells me that faithfulness is showing up at a widow’s doorstep, to help fix what’s broken in her home.

2 Timothy 4 tells me that faithfulness is teaching the Bible week in, week out, with great patience and careful instruction.

Galatians 1 tells me that faithfulness is holding fast to the gospel, when those around me are watering it down.

Ephesians 6 tells me that faithfulness is gently correcting my kids, when everything inside me wants to scream.

Hebrews 10 tells me that faithfulness is arriving at church with fifteen minutes to spare, so that I have a chance to encourage my brothers and sisters in Christ.

The list goes on. 

But it’s as I pursue this kind of faithfulness, in obedience to Christ, in the strength that the Spirit provides, that I am of course becoming more like the one who is gloriously faithful to the end.

It may not hit the headlines. But in God’s economy, it is a wholly worthwhile pursuit.


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Seeing the Face of Goodness