Come to Me, I am Gentle

Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.

-Matthew 11:28-29

Come to me, I am gentle.

Do you believe this?

Well, yes, but that niggling doubt crouches ever so close.  That plaguing insecurity seems ever so heavy on my heart.  That sharp sense of failure clouds my view day by day.  

Come to me, I am gentle.

Do you believe this?

Well, yes, but I’m a hard hearted sinner.  I’m the chief of sinners some days.  I’m a back-sliding sinner,  so much of the time.  

Come to me, I am gentle.

Do you believe this?

Well, yes, but I haven’t got anything to bring to the table. The more I see of your character, the more I see of my own unworthiness.  

Dear sister, do you know that for every ‘but’ that you offer, his answer is always ‘come’?

‘Whoever comes to me, I will never drive away.’  With all the mess, with every burden, with all the bruises, he says come.

Dear sister, hear these words today: ‘his heart of gentle embrace is never outmatched’ by your own heart… ‘He can’t un-gentle himself toward his own’. He can’t un-gentle himself towards you.

Come to me, I am gentle.

Do you believe this?

Lord, I believe.  Help me overcome my unbelief.


The Power of Self Control


Ordinary Faithfulness