The Power of Self Control
Here’s something to ponder as we bring our season on the Fruit of the Spirit to a close: Without Christ’s self-control, there would be no salvation. Without his self-control there would be no resurrection. Without it, there would be no hope.
For it is his self-control that enabled him to respond with the depth of love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness and gentleness that we’ve been pondering over the last few weeks.
It is his self-control that enabled him to ‘say “No” to ungodliness and worldly passions, even though he ‘was tempted in every way’.
It is his self-control that kept him there in the garden, pleading and ultimately submitting to the Lord’s will over his, whilst his friends scarpered or slept.
It is his self-control that took him to the cross, as scorn and shame accompanied him at every turn.
Was he being weak? Was it a sign of his impotence, a lack of power?
Absolutely not. This is the power of Christ on display, as he said no to sin and to self. This is the power of Christ on display, propelled forward by his love for us, in the knowledge of the glories to come.
Dear sister, wherever your battle resides with self-control, know that He has gone before you. He shows you the way. He gave you ‘a spirit, not of fear but of power and love and self-control’. And he also beckons you to approach his throne of grace with confidence, so that you may receive mercy and find grace in your time of need.
Oh the glories of the gospel! The wonder of Christ! The unfathomable riches of being His! Praise be to the Lord indeed!