Season 12: Micah, Here We Go…

The road map to Micah is here! We know how helpful people find it to know where we’re going, before the episodes start dropping, particularly in a book like Micah, which will be unfamiliar to many of us. You’ll see that we’re mostly taking one chapter at a time. There is a natural structure in the book of Micah, based around the commands to ‘hear’ and ‘listen’. We hope that how we’re splitting up the book will also reflect the God-given structure of the book.

Deciding how to break up a Bible book into managable chunks forms a significant part of our preparation. And we’re very aware that sometimes, we get to the end of the book, and we would choose to do it differently next time! But that’s a wonderful part of the process - because it means that we are continuing to grow in learning how to handle different portions of Scripture, and are able to grasp the structure of the book more fully having studied it deeply.

We’re excited to get going in Micah - and we also feel the weightiness of the challenge. Both in the language contained within the prophecy, and with it being one of the lesser known books of the Bible. But as ever, what a joy that we can confidently know that God’s word is ‘alive and kicking’, and this powerful living word will get to work on our hearts as we begin to grapple with what’s here.

Will you join us as we open up Micah together? Grab your map, a cuppa and biscuit and let’s get going!


The Bible Study Podcast for Everyday Life


What do we do with Micah’s poetry?