The Bible Study Podcast for Everyday Life

Bible study podcast for women

Over the last few years, my husband and I have been reading more and more ‘smart thinking’ books. The kind of books that give you the inside glimpse into what makes someone tick, how decisions are made, why certain things are more likely to happen, and how projects organically grow from the seed of an idea, to a bustling enterprise.

Whilst this Bible study podcast for women certainly isn’t a bustling enterprise, it is something that, under God’s good hand, has grown from a seed of an idea, back in 2020. It’s been an exciting journey, and we look forward to seeing where God continues to lead us in the coming year. But in the meantime, we thought it might be helpful to give you the inside glimpse into what makes us tick.

Fairly regularly, we have conversations as a team on our vision and values as a Bible study podcast. What is it that we’re seeking to do as we press record on our Bible studies together? Why do we keep pressing record? What are our expectations as we release more bible study episodes into the podcast world?

It’s always so helpful to clarify in our minds, hearts and prayers why we continue to press record as we study the Bible together, and why it’s worth doing the extra leg work behind the scenes. And if it’s helpful for us, we’re thinking it may well be helpful for you too.

So, whether you’re a brand new listener, keen for a glimpse into what makes us tick as a Bible study podcast for women, or whether you’ve been studying the Bible with us for a while, over the next few weeks we’ll be releasing a series of blogs exploring our vision and values as ‘the bible study podcast for everyday life’.

We’re all for de-mystifying the voices behind the mics, and so pray this blog series is just one of many helpful insights into what makes us tick!


Two Sisters: Our Vision


Season 12: Micah, Here We Go…