Two Sisters: Our Vision

If you listen along to the podcast, you’ll know that we take great joy in studying the Bible together with a cup of tea in hand. 

But we are not asking you to simply be spectators to our tea-time Bible musings. Our continual prayer, and our vision for this podcast, is that our listeners would be encouraged and emboldened to get the Bible open for themselves. And so every time we study the Bible together, we want to encourage, equip and model what it looks like to get God’s living word open. This is not just for us. It is for you, our listeners. 

Under God, we hope that our chat will give you a starting point for you to have Bible conversations of your own.

And so, we continually pray that as you come along for the ride through different Bible books, you would be encouraged to taste and see that the Word of the Lord is good, desirable and worth reading, with those who are in your everyday life.

And, as we talk with Bibles open, we are seeking to be transparent about how we understand the Bible. We want to equip our listeners, so that they feel able to read and understand their Bibles for themselves. We are not experts. We are simply seeking to come alongside you, equipping you to delve more and more into the riches of the treasure we have in our hands.

In it all, by God’s grace, we hope that we are modelling this in a way that means that others would feel able to get God’s living Word open for themselves. You don’t need to have a cup of tea, or even a biscuit, but an open Bible is non-negotiable. Come on, come and join us as we study the Bible together and love to see God work.


The Bible Study Podcast for Everyday Life