Value #1: Manageable
Manageable. Feasible. Convenient. One of our key values for our Bible study podcast is that it’s in an accessible format, wholly manageable during the flurry of activity in our weekly rhythms.
Since we’ve become Christians in our early twenties, we’ve both had seasons of being in intensive full time employment in various jobs, of raising little people round the clock at home, and of working part time alongside the juggle of parenthood and ministry. We are well aware that time is not a luxury. In fact, time is the most precious commodity we have.
And so, when we first started praying through the idea of a bible study podcast, manageability was a non-negotiable, and it continues that way to this day. Don’t get us wrong - we love to dig deep into the Bible, and savour those moments when we can study Scripture for more than twenty minutes at a time. But part of valuing manageability, is also valuing accessibility.
In providing bitesized episodes that easily slot into every day life, we want to encourage you that studying the Bible together doesn’t need to be an arduous uphill battle. We want to model the reality that simply opening up the Bible for twenty minutes each week with a friend is not only a manageable prospect, but also one that bears immense fruit.
And so, as we continue to press record, we are wholly committed to the value of manageability, so that we continue to be a Bible study podcast for everyday life.