The Sweetness of Gospel Partnership

pouring tea

Being English, and authentically accented, means that my standing invitation for a cuppa at my house is rarely turned down. In this western suburb of Chicago, my voice is distinctive and my invitation is unusual. It’s been a gift for getting to know people. 

As I to and fro around the kitchen, grabbing the requisite tea-making items, our conversation will often reveal my guest’s familiarity with, and expectations of, a cup of tea. Some will have brought their own, some will be looking for honey to add, and some will be delighted by the dash of milk in a well brewed Yorkshire tea. 

It’s actually on the second visit that I know whether this friend will be a tea-drinking partner, or not. Some make sure to bring their own drink next time, some sip half-heartedly because they don’t want to be rude and others tell me that they’ve gone as far as to source their own Yorkshire tea bags. 

I love it when a cuppa unites. 

Throughout Paul’s letter to the Philippians, we hear again and again of uniting, life-giving, joy-bringing partnership in the gospel. He prays with ‘joy’ because they know Jesus and share in the gospel. They are partakers in the same life that Paul has through Christ, and as a result their partnership is unbreakable. They are bonded together in Christ, and it is a heart level partnership. We can hear it in Paul’s longing, affection and concern for his fellow believers. 

While I might go out of my way to make a cup of tea for a fellow tea drinker, this kind of partnership shapes Paul’s prayers, desires and actions. He is pouring himself out for the sake of the Philippians’ pursuit of Christ. And, as he urges the letter’s recipients to do likewise, we see that partnering like this brings joy and increased love for Jesus. 

We love that many of our listeners love a good cuppa, but we love all the more that you are partners in the glorious gospel of Jesus Christ. We pray that your love for Jesus, and others, would abound more and more in knowledge and depth of insight as you listen and behold Christ in His rich Word. We pray that you would love to choose the excellent way, and reap a harvest of righteousness until the day that He returns. 


Cuppas, Caring and Praying


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