Partner with Us
The first 130 people to give a gift of any amount from 26th March - 7th April 2025 will receive this beautiful partnership pack!
It’s our way of saying a massive thank you for choosing to partner in the gospel with us!
This beautiful, customised tote bag is filled with goodies that total around $80, including a Leather-bound note-taking Bible from Lifeway, a Memorising Verse Kit from Dwell Differently, and a pack of Two Sisters postcards. An absolute winner of a gift!
We are so thankful for every expression of partnership, however big or small.
There’s obviously a cost to us in putting the pack together. We’re trusting that you’ll give what you can, to not only receive a beautiful partnership pack, but to support the work we’re doing, whether that’s with a one-off donation, or a commitment to partner with us on a monthly basis.
Orders will be finalised after the closing date, and we’ll then let you know when you will be receiving yours. Due to shipping logistics, this is likely to be towards the end of June.
Unfortunately the partnership pack is only available in the UK & USA. But for those outside the UK/USA, we’d love to send you a pack of postcards.
Why are we asking you?
While podcast content is free, podcast making is not. As we continue to look for ways to make this venture financially sustainable, we would love our listeners to be the ones partnering with us to make that happen.
Take a closer look at this years Partnership Pack...
We need to cover our costs for the production of the podcast - everything from editing and publishing, to the time it takes to put the episodes together. There are costs associated with the website, communications, and development. And we need to pay our two wonderful part-time employees who are helping us shoulder the load in terms of marketing, admin and development.
We’ve also got some exciting ideas in the pipeline, all with the aim of continuing to equip, encourage and model what it can look like to get the Bible open with others. Any extra funding will be put towards these ideas coming to fruition.
Absolutely! Whilst the partnership pack is only available for a couple of weeks, every person who gives at any other point in the year will still receive a little thank you gift from us!
As we look to budget for the year ahead, we’ve decided to have a focused window of time where we look to raise funds - to that end, this partnership pack is a limited edition!
There’s no additional charge for postage, but any contribution towards covering the cost is gratefully received!
Thank you so much! Click on the give button, and just type NO PACK in the comment section on the giving page.
“I thank my God every time I remember you. In all my prayers for all of you I always pray with joy, because of your partnership in the gospel from the first day until now…”
— Philippians 1