What is it to love like Christ?
What is it to love like Him? To truly desire, and then to obey His command to ‘to love each other as I have loved you’?
Surely, the only way to start is on my knees before Him, humbly acknowledging that without Him, I am but a resounding gong or clanging cymbal. For, with any words or knowledge that may flow from my lips, without Him I am nothing. For with any deeds that I may accomplish, whether big or small, without him I gain nothing.
Why? Because Jesus is love. It’s not just part of his character. It’s his very core. From first to final breath, Jesus walked the way of pure, unadulterated love. Always patient and beautifully kind, he walked the way of love. Never envying, boasting or proud, he walked the way of love. Not once did he dishonour, or seek to serve himself. Not once was he easily angered, or kept a record of wrongs. He never delighted in evil but instead always rejoiced with the truth. Why? Because his entire life was an exposition of these words: the fruit of the spirit is love.
Can I love like this? “Surely it’s not possible”, says my flesh, issuing its regular complaint. And yet, what grace we have been given. For He was not only the bearer of this Spirit of love, he was also the bestower. That very same Spirit, enabling Him to walk in the way of love, wonderfully dwells in me, enabling me too. Can I love like this in my own strength? Absolutely not. But can I love like this, as I prayerfully keep in step with His spirit? By His beautiful, powerful, life-giving grace I can. Taking one day, one moment, one interaction at a time, by his Spirit I can.